Day 144: Molokai Comes to Yale!

Today, a group of high school students from Hawaii came to visit Blue Feather at the Native American Cultural Center. These students have been saving since last year to pay for the week-long trip themselves.IMG_2005.JPG

Blue Feather performed for the kids, who in turn performed for us and then taught us some of the traditional Hawaiian dance moves.IMG_1713.JPG



Dinee and I met in London and her urging is the reason I am active in Blue Feather (the drum powwow group).IMG_2006.JPG

Noah and I cheerfully do WoadsIMG_1717.JPG

October 8, 2014: 221 days to learn new dance moves and use them on my Yale friends

Day 142: The Thai Food Discovery

A typical vision of my day: Blue State coffee, flashcards, and midterm studyingIMG_1699.JPG


Cross campus and Sterling Memorial LibraryIMG_1696.JPG

Delicious pad thai from the best place in the city, Jeera Thai. For some unknown reason, New Haven has an incredible selection of great thai places… I’d never really eaten thai food before college and now it has become a staple part of my diet.IMG_1702.JPG

Cathryn’s puppy! The adorable little Pit Bull chewed at my moccasins, bit my fingers, and was too cute to resist. Being away at school, I miss being able to play with my dog and cat–seeing animals is a huge stress reliever on campus.IMG_1704.JPG

October 6, 2014: 223 days to take advantage of the charm(ing foods) of New Haven

Day 140: TGIF

Why study when you can lay in bed and watch Outlander? How can one resist a show based on a romance novel that follows a woman in 1945 who goes back to 18th century Scotland? It has everything: kilts, Scots, romance, revolution, and most importantly, tartan galore.IMG_1660.JPG

Fake 18th century rain is much better than real, Old Campus rainIMG_1672.JPG


The main room in the Yale Center for British Art from the second floor (I had to sneak this while the security guard wasn’t looking)IMG_1658.JPG

October 4, 2014: 225 days=32 more Fridays to while away

Day 139: We eat, we sing, we do all the things

The girls in my society are really Superwoman…

We eat popcorn and watch Shondaland on Thursday nightsIMG_1647.JPG

We drink wine while eating said popcorn and watching said ShondalandIMG_1645.JPG

Then our impressive stomachs call for pizza while dancing at Bar PizzaIMG_1649.JPG

We sing karaoke–IMG_1653.JPG

We dance–IMG_1650-0.JPG

–like champions.IMG_1656.JPG

October 3, 2014: 226 days left to get funky with these chicks

Day 138: Midterm Season is Upon Us

Blue State (which I have already praised in my post ( HAS FINALLY BROUGHT BACK THE PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE! It may make me basic, but me and my Essie nail polish love the fall taste of pumpkin infused drinks.
I will give a gull definition of the word BASIC at another point, but in the meantime, check out Buzzfeed’s definition:

My view from the Stacks in SterlingIMG_1629.JPG

Beer, burgers, and fries at Rudy’s for society night! I love Rudy’s because their menu is fry-focused. You get a delicious bucket of fries and several different flavored dipping sauces to try with them. I love the pesto mayo and the sriracha and the chipotle ketchup and basically all of them.IMG_1638.JPG

Sam and I began studying a midterm we have coming up in Eastern Europe to 1914. The class is taught by one of my favorite professors, Timothy Snyder, and the second half of the course–Eastern Europe from 1914–was one of the best classes I have taken at Yale.IMG_1634.JPG

Our timelines look so impressiveIMG_1633.JPG



October 2, 2014: 227 days to embrace the study grine

Day 137: Big News–I Finally Unpacked!

Set up my world-wide collection of shot glasses, my books, and my pictures!IMG_1620.JPG

Shoes ❤IMG_1621.JPG

I even felt energized enough to clean the common room (including shaking out the rug, vacuuming, and taking out the trash)IMG_1622.JPG

We set up our pumpkins (from the farm) and the glass star ornaments Lauren’s mom sent us for Christmas sophomore year.IMG_1618.JPG

Some of the Yale in London girls got together to see Dinee’s little sister Nena (or as everyone calls her, Nena Do). It was really fun to see Dinee’s family and spend some time with normal people.IMG_1615.JPG

Got my first Birchbox in the mail! My friend Sara got me a three-month subscription for my birthday, which means that once a month I get a little box in the mail, full of personalized beauty and health samples! IMG_1623.JPG

My goodies yeeeIMG_1624.JPG

October 1, 2014: 228 days to soak up the glory of my newly furbished room

Day 136: Iced Coffee, My Love

An iced vanilla latte from Blue State is perfect any day of the year, but even more so on days when the weather can’t decide if it’s fall or summer… Blue State is a family run coffee shop chain that serves fair trade coffee and donates a percentage of their sales to local non-profits.  On campus, Blue State may be referred to by other names, such as: The Sun, The Nectar of Life, Heaven, and Savior of Sanity.IMG_1611.JPG

Jamie and I sell each other for some Blue State coffee (and with the current prices, we might actually have to)IMG_1613.JPG

The view from Jamie’s room–aside from obnoxious freshman, I really hate living on the first floor for other reasons, this view included.IMG_1614.JPG

September 30, 2014: 229 days to savor the sweet, virile taste of a Blue State light roast

Day 135: Happy 21st Birthday, Lauren!

The birthday girl celebrated her first legal drink at Heirloom in the Study. Poor thing is over a year younger than myself and significantly younger than most of the senior class… We have all been waiting a long time to celebrate this.IMG_1588.JPG


Best carbonara ever–while the food at Heirloom was incredible, the management was not the greatest.IMG_1593.JPG


Cake and ice cream (+an embarrassing display of our singing talents)IMG_1595.JPG

The suities ❤IMG_1604.JPG


We finished the night with drinks and truffle fries at 116 Crown, one of our favorite placesIMG_1607.JPG

September 29, 2014: 230 more days to find reasons to celebrate