Day 138: Midterm Season is Upon Us

Blue State (which I have already praised in my post ( HAS FINALLY BROUGHT BACK THE PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE! It may make me basic, but me and my Essie nail polish love the fall taste of pumpkin infused drinks.
I will give a gull definition of the word BASIC at another point, but in the meantime, check out Buzzfeed’s definition:

My view from the Stacks in SterlingIMG_1629.JPG

Beer, burgers, and fries at Rudy’s for society night! I love Rudy’s because their menu is fry-focused. You get a delicious bucket of fries and several different flavored dipping sauces to try with them. I love the pesto mayo and the sriracha and the chipotle ketchup and basically all of them.IMG_1638.JPG

Sam and I began studying a midterm we have coming up in Eastern Europe to 1914. The class is taught by one of my favorite professors, Timothy Snyder, and the second half of the course–Eastern Europe from 1914–was one of the best classes I have taken at Yale.IMG_1634.JPG

Our timelines look so impressiveIMG_1633.JPG



October 2, 2014: 227 days to embrace the study grine

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