Day 95: The Many Adventures of Fisherman Lauren Continue

What do bougie twenty-something  girls like more than anything? Iced, chai, soy milk lattes, of courseIMG_0456.JPG

Let the tubing adventures commence!IMG_0462.JPG


Steph and Yen tubing together–skinny little ladies barely moved over the waves.IMG_0472.JPG

Boater Lauren takes to the seasIMG_0527.JPG


Me and Lauren doing the tubing thingIMG_0487.JPG



Once again with the ice cream (this time a malt, of course)IMG_0535.JPG



Dinner and wine on the beachIMG_0531.JPG


August 20, 2014: 270 days to continue the adventures of fisherman Lauren

Day 94: And then came the wine


The many adventures of the 20-somethings in Tahoe continue!

First, a day full of boating fun, including skiing, tanning, tubing, and generally frigid water.IMG_0426.JPG

Lake, desert, and mountains all in one placeIMG_0430.JPG

Dinner out for Mrs. Gardanier’s birthday!IMG_0448.JPG




August 19, 2014: 271 days of wine on wine on wine

Day 93: Ladies of the Lake

Back to the beautiful views of Emerald BayIMG_0401.JPG


This house is apparently the finest example of Viking architecture in the United States. It was utterly beautiful, made of stones and wood, surrounded in wild flowers and trees.IMG_0404.JPG




My gorgeous suitemates. We find it quite irritating that Lauren’s head glows like that…IMG_0412.JPG

Late afternoon ice cream break–all day, every day IMG_0415.JPG

Big girls go grocery shopping! Grocery shopping with friends actually requires maturity and planning–to have red wine and pasta or fruit and white?IMG_0417.JPG

We spent the night watching the drama unfold in Ferguson, MO. Our hearts and support go out to the families and protesters.  Since my summer working with the Council, I have a much better understanding of racial and ethnic disparities in the criminal justice system.  While St. Louis is not Minneapolis, I know that these institutional discriminations exist, as do the societal implications and assumptions.IMG_0422.JPG

And then the sunsetIMG_0419.JPG

August 18, 2014: 272 more days to be that traveling college girl

Day 92: ~Nautical~

True roommie love ❤IMG_0321.JPG



I look strangely like the pimp in this situation…IMG_0332.JPG



The many adventures of boater Lauren beginsIMG_0343.JPG


Our gorgeous lunch view–although, I must say that the best part isn’t the lake and the mountains but the all the fresh food. California is good for some thingsIMG_0380.JPG

Throwback to yesterday, my first time trying the water skis. I had more trouble getting them on than getting up (thanks for the help, Lauren)IMG_0359.JPG





Our visit to Emerald Bay! We climbed to the old fort on the top of the rock. Because we had to jump into the water to get to the island, we couldn’t bring our phones to take pictures of the incredible view.IMG_0394.JPG

Sleepy boater LaurenIMG_0390.JPG

August 17, 2014: 273 more days to live up to my preppy East Coast surroundings

Day 91: Seeing the Sun Rise

I just happened to wake up in time to see the sun rise above Lake Tahoe. It was both frigid and incredible.IMG_0253.JPG




We stopped by a local arts fair in town–it was full of jewelry, art, and flowy dresses.IMG_0259.JPG


Ladies reading on the beachIMG_0265.JPG

Crossing Albert Camus’ The Stranger off of the reading list!IMG_0269.JPG

My first Chevys–apparently a California classicIMG_0258.JPG

Ladies doing dinner on the beachIMG_0285.JPG

…romantic dinner during the sunsetIMG_0281.JPG

Lauren is giggling while watching Pocahontas IMG_0284.JPG


August 15, 2014: 275 more opportunities to see the sun rise over campus

Day 90: The Girls Are Back

The suite’s a little unhappy about my early morning photography (see the bagel sandwiches and coffee? Always coffee…)IMG_0197.JPG

Lauren’s secret rose gardenIMG_0195.JPG


Her terrace also overlooks the mountains and forests–a nice respite from the heat and cacti of Southern CaliforniaIMG_0203.JPG

So the roadtrip begins…IMG_0209.JPG


Made it to Tahoe just in time for the sunset IMG_0239-0.JPG



August 14, 2014: 276 days to call these girls my suitemates

Day 89: Meet Lauren!

In other words, the blond-San Francisco part of our suite.  Stephanie’s dad drove us up to Lauren’s apartment in LA, where we met her dad, packed up her apartment, met her, and then drove up to her house in San Francisco for the night. The California Adventure continues!

Lauren driving (unhappily) up to San Fran!IMG_0186.JPG

We open the freezer and we see this… Yep, definitely Lauren’s apartment (it was also delicious by the way)IMG_0180.JPG

Steph desperately trying to get the detailing off of Lauren’s wall, while I pack up some of her other things. We all underestimate how much stuff we accumulate whenever we settle somewhere… I know the packing to go to California (and the repacking at the airport) just reminded me how much JUNK I carry with me everywhere and that I could definitely minimize the stuff in my life. Although, let’s be real, I like clothes. And jewelry. And shoes–I love shoes.IMG_0181.JPG

I am FINALLY reunited with In-N-Out! It has been over a year since I have made it to California to taste the classic good-food-fast joint, which serves only fresh food, all cut and cooked in the location. The burgers are amazing, but the fries with their “animal” sauce and the milkshakes are incredible… I literally dream about this place when I’m on the East Coast (Shake Shack cannot compare).IMG_0183.JPG

So begins the loooong drive up to San Francisco. It took us a little while pack up, so it was a long drive in the dark.IMG_0188.JPG

August 13, 2014: 277 more days to call Lauren my only blond-math/science inclined-suitemate

Day 88: Seeing SoCal through food

Aaaaand here’s Stephanie–such a pretty roomie!IMG_0169.JPG

A delicious Cantonese dinner with Steph’s family. Her parents are so amazing and cannot thank them enough for taking care of me for these few days. They are wonderful hosts and tour guides!IMG_0164-1.JPG

LYCHEE! I haven’t had it since Vietname and I missed itIMG_0166.JPG

Real burritos from Southern California… It had cabbage and guacamole and was incredibleIMG_0168.JPG

Gelato on Laguna beach ❤IMG_0173.JPG

This is what Steph and I do when we’re together…IMG_0176.JPG

Laguna beach at its finestIMG_0170.JPG

August 12, 2014: 278 days of food adventures

Day 87: Californication

After a long night of packing and several hours on a cramped plane, I have arrived in LA!IMG_0151.JPG

My gorgeous roomie and I are finally reunited after a long summerIMG_0154.JPG

What’s even better than being reunited? Spending the day poolsideIMG_0155.JPG

Dim sum, because what would a trip to California be without lots and lots of Chinese food?IMG_0153.JPG

The famous Laguna beach, 5 minutes from Steph’s house. The area was adorable, the shops unaffordable, and the food outrageously expensive, naturally.IMG_0157.JPG



The Laguna harborIMG_0161.JPG

August 11, 2014: 279 days to go on trips with my “roommie”

Day 86: Time to say goodbye

Charlie wrote his name on the hummus container because, according to him, I am “a pig” who ate all of “his hummus”IMG_0124-0.JPG

Cousin brunch at my Aunt Terri’s house! My cousin Frida just arrived from Denmark and I wanted to see her before I left. I stayed with Frida and her family in Skorping for a week two summers ago–it was lovely to see her and catch up. My other cousin, Cristiana, is starting to look at colleges and had a lot of questions about Yale, which she loved (of course).IMG_0129.JPG



Frida ❤IMG_0134-0.JPG

I learned how to do a fishtail braid!IMG_0137-0.JPG

What my suitcases looked like when I left the house on Tuesday morning… It was all supposed to go in one bag… oopsIMG_0140.JPG

The last Minnesota lunch: corn on the cob and a BLTIMG_0142.JPG

Stopped by my cousin Ann’s house to say goodbye to sweet little Aiden, who then forced my to watch several episodes of Tom and Jerry with him.IMG_0145.JPG

The perfect summer dayIMG_0147.JPG

Annie’s backyard. We had a busy afternoon of doctors appointments and a busy night of packing, but it was perfect late afternoon, relaxing in her backyard.IMG_0146.JPG

August 12, 2014: 280 days of East Coast cold and rain