Tag Archives: minnesota

Day 75: Say It with a Cheese Curd

Tonight is everyone’s last night at Danebo. Tomorrow morning, all the ladies fly home and I move back to the ‘burbs. Thus, it is time to say goodbye. Minneapolis says goodbye with a sun shower and we say goodbye with jalapeño cheese curds and sangria.



August 1, 2014: 291 more ways to say goodbye to my home, in Minnesota and New Haven

Day 74: Apparently, I only eat Asian food these days

Thai food day #2: another lunch with an old Vis friend, Brittany! One of the best things about this summer is that I have had the chance to catch up with a bunch of old high school classmates that I haven’t seen since graduation. Brittany is about to begin a semester abroad in London (ugh the FOMO) and spent last semester working in Disneyworld. Naturally, we spent a majority of the time gossiping about classmates, teachers, and our old school.IMG_9832.JPG


My Yale alumni mentor Hari, took me out to a wonderful dinner in St. Paul to again discuss the rough road to law school.  As a big foodie and connoisseur of Chinese food (following a couple years spent there), she was determined to get me to try Szechuan food. We had dinner at Little Szechuan in St. Paul and it was AMAZING. The peppercorn in the chicken and fish dishes (seen below, all half eaten), definitely got my senses tingling, but all of the food was delicious. We tried some local Chinese beer and the sugar helped to cut the painful stinging and watery eyes. All in all, it was not nearly as spicy as I expected and I will definitely be going back! Can’t say the same for our conversation, which held the common refrain of “you’re not getting into law school,” although with much nicer words of course.IMG_9833.JPG

Heat button in the light rail station #onlyinMinnesotaIMG_9834.JPG

July 31, 2014: 292 days of food and gossip (ok, lies. A lifetime of food and gossip)

Day 73: A Day Downtown

Local/hipster coffee shops have four things in common:
1. Artsy theme with correspondingly  memorable name, often revolving around the world/traveling, a play on the name for coffee (like java, cup of joe, etc.), and personified animals
2. Open, spacious decor with aggressive amounts of tables, all decorated in the theme
3. Aggressive hipsters with horned rim glasses sitting at said tables, having intellectual, socially relevant discussions
4. Excessive cost for EVERYTHING


The cranes building the new stadium in downtownIMG_9808.JPG

St. Anthony FallsIMG_9812.JPG

The ruins of the old Minneapolis factories along the River IMG_9811.JPG

Nummy thai food dinner with mom and CharIMG_9817.JPG

The view from our favorite rooftop barIMG_9824.JPG


Last night all the Ladiez of the Lakes are together in Minneapolis 😦IMG_9827.JPG

July 30, 2014: 293 more beautiful views of Minneapolis

Day 71: Typical Monday for the Soccer Mom

Started my afternoon with lunch at Lotus, a Vietnamese restaurant a short ways from where I work downtown (it was delicious and had awesome service). I was meeting my friend Hannah–we went to high school together but haven’t seen much of each other since. It was really awesome to catch with someone who knew me (what feels like) so long ago. It was particularly interesting considering the dramatically different paths Hannah and I have chosen. Following graduation in May, Hannah will be entering a cloistered convent, taking her vows with a local Minneapolis order. While I respect Hannah’s choice and what she feels to be her calling, it is difficult for me understand how people voluntarily isolate themselves when they could also live a life of prayer as well as service to others. This is not a criticism of those who haven chosen to live a cloistered life of contemplation, but rather a remark on why we encourage people to serve only their own personal “calling” when they could be helping others in addition themselves. This applies to all industries, professions, and careers, in addition to religious life. I’m aware that this is also hypocritical and it’s unlikely that I’ll devote even part of my life to service. Yet I still hope that I will be able to do some meaning service, which is what we should all be striving for.

So instead of doing service or something slightly more normal for a twenty-something, I spent my Monday night watching my brother’s special needs kickball game. It appears that I may have started my soccer mom phase a little early…







July 28, 2014: 295 days until I’m the teacher at the parent-teacher conference

Day 70: Soaking in the Great Water

Morning visit with my adorable cousins at Aunt Terri’s!20140802-135704-50224387.jpg

Spent the day on a boating trip on Lake Minnetonka with all the Yale interns! It was a gorgeous day on a gorgeous lake. Minnetonka means “great water” in Dakota and the water and the surrounding land have long been held sacred by local tribes.  Lake Minnetonka is also famous for a few industrial things, like Minnetonka Moccasins, Tonka Trucks, and Cargill, which is headquartered on the lake. 20140802-135704-50224883.jpg

The only picture of me from the lake ended up being a screenshotted snapchat… See that red mark on my forehead? That’s where I stabbed myself with my nail this morning.20140802-135704-50224568.jpg

Silly outsiders didn’t know they were supposed to wear swimsuits on the lake20140802-135705-50225232.jpg


View from Solera (again)20140802-135740-50260230.jpg

Meghan and I spent the evening watching Casablanca on the Solera rooftop, complete with twinkling lights, sangria, and chocolate frozen bananas. I forgot how amazing Casablanca is and everything else was perfect, even the weather cooperated.20140802-135741-50261297.jpg




July 27, 2014: 296 perfect summertime moments today

Day 69: #onlyinMinnesota

Bicycle parade l in Loring Park, complete with costumes, decorated vehicles, and a giant polar bear full of pedaling people (it even has a moving tail) #onlyinMinnesota20140802-135253-49973079.jpg

Corn pancakes topped with ricotta cheese and butter, with a side of cheesy hashrowns at the Loring Kitchen and Bar #onlyinMinnesota20140802-135253-49973413.jpg


Family get-together celebrating a visit from my Texas cousins Scott and Wendy and their gorgeous daughters! #onlyinMinnesota

Me and Aubs being silly–or me being silly and her clearly judging me20140802-135230-49950894.jpg



My adorable God-children!20140802-135253-49973756.jpg

Feeding the fishies bread off the dock #onlyinMinnesota20140802-135254-49974439.jpg





Started an alphabet book with the girls. They pick out pictures, the name of the image beginning with a certain letter, and mom and I cut it out and glue it on to the letter page. My wonderful Aunt Di used to make these books for us when I was a kid and now it is time for my girls!20140802-135353-50033810.jpg

July 26, 2014: 297 days of living that Minnesota life #onlyinMinnesota

Day 68: Good morning, Vietnam

I’m having serious Vietnam withdrawals these days, so I decided to take my mom and brothers out for Vietnamese food in Highland Village in St. Paul! It only made things worse–now all I can think about is eating good Vietnamese food…

Charlie trying (and loving) Lychee juice20140802-134927-49767879.jpg

“I want a haircut–like a man”20140802-134926-49766666.jpg

Best spring rolls I’ve had in the Cities. I’m determined to try and make these on my own…20140802-134927-49767511.jpg

Mom and I trying the local pho! It was actually really good! Not quite the same as Vietnam but the best substitute I’ve had in the States.20140802-134929-49769120.jpg



An iced Vietnamese coffee–maybe what I miss most about daily life in Saigon20140802-134928-49768364.jpg

My first ever Lynx game! I’ve never seen a Minnesota sports team with a fuller stadium and a more enthusiastic crowd… The music was even better than at other games20140802-135015-49815138.jpg

Night out downtown! The rooftop at Solera is by far our favorite20140802-135015-49815900.jpg




July 25, 2014: 298 days to enjoy the best of a city (aka food)

Day 67: The Three Musketeers

And the girls are back! Last night was girls night with Annie and Maggie! We drank wine, made s’mores, and caught up on the last semester–including all the recent gossip regarding our high school friends.20140802-134745-49665850.jpg

Traditional Thursday night out with the other Yalies!20140802-134746-49666307.jpg

July 24, 2014: 299 days until the Three Musketeers of Visitation High School are back together again

Day 66: The Real Shawshank

No jury today woo! Because of this brief reprieve, I was able to make an early morning trip to St. Cloud prison to visit a transitions class and take a tour of the facility.  St. Cloud is a level 4 facility (equal to maximum security) and handles all of the intake for the state, which means that they have fewer long-term inmates than the other two level 4s and the rest of the state prisons.  This also means that they handle a significant number of 180 days or fewer inmates and their transitions back into society.

Unlike many of the other prisons I’ve visited around the state, St. Cloud literally looks like a stereotypical prison (think Shawshank). Originally built in 1898, MCF-St. Cloud has retained many of the original structures, including doors complete with metal bars and giant keyholes.  The facility is surrounded by the second-longest granite wall in the world (second to the Great Wall of China). The granite was mined on site by inmates and much of the facility was built by the inmates using that granite.



Bike trip to Mendota Heights to visit Annie!20140723-195325-71605278.jpg


July 23, 2014: 300 more days to be a prisoner of collegiate institutions (ha, not really)

Day 65: The Guthrie

The amazing Bulldogs on the Lakes program brought all of the Yale interns to a show at the Guthrie tonight! The show was Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike–it was a hilarious play and well-acted, although a little slow for my taste.

Naturally, the show was preceded by happy hour20140723-193437-70477323.jpg




Ladies on the Lakes20140723-193813-70693767.jpg



St. Anthony Falls, the only natural falls in the Mississippi River20140723-193758-70678271.jpg


July 22, 2014: 301 days left of free Yale perks