Tag Archives: best friend

Day 77: How to Know Your Best Friend Gets You

Today Annie and I did what we have been doing for the last seven years of our friendship: absolutely nothing. We laid around, ate pizza rolls (basically the only way we know how to feed ourselves when her mother goes out of town and the groceries run out), and watched movies.  It was amazing.  We have the best time doing what we do best, or in this case, doing nothing.

Annie gave me my birthday gift early woo! She even purposely wrapped it in feather paper and a bow, knowing I would appreciate the adorable whimsy.IMG_9837.JPG

The amazing present: Annie played Settlers of Catan for the first time this past summer in Amsterdam and claimed that she IMMEDIATELY thought of me and had the game shipped home. We haven’t yet played but are plotting the perfect opportunity, which is a little more difficult considering we need at least three players… IMG_9838.JPG

These look disgusting in retrospect.IMG_9839.JPG

August 3, 2014: 289 more opportunities to do us and do nothing

Day 52: The Soul Sister Turns 21

I would like to wish a very happy 21st birthday to my best friend, Annie Gavin! So glad I got to celebrate with her (we seem to be apart for quite a few holidays these days) and her family.

The Gavin clan at the pizza farm20140715-203418-74058038.jpg



This pizza farm, in Northfield, MN, uses all local ingredients and cooks the pizza right on sight in a brick oven. There are also horses, cats, chickens, gardens, fields, and other things for kids and families to do!20140715-203416-74056811.jpg




July 9, 2014: 314 days left in college for everyone I went to high school with