Tag Archives: cathedral

Day 85: Chasing the Sunset

I spent the day saying goodbye to my favorite munchkins.  Going to miss these kids like crazy. Especially all their adorable selfies…IMG_0105.JPG





Zac was upset because I painted the girls’ nails but wouldn’t do his. His dad made me promise that he would not be subjected to any sparkly nail polish of any color.IMG_0111.JPG

The sunset on my way across town. I decided (or so suggested the closed exit ramp) that I skip by my house and chase the clouds into St. Paul.IMG_0115.JPG

St. Paul in the setting sunIMG_0117.JPG


The Cathedral during sunset. One of my favorite buildings in St. Paul, the Cathedral is now a Catholic pilgrimage site and the site of all confirmations in the city.IMG_0118.JPG

Something else I will miss desperately… Not looking forward to going back to the world of Starbucks.IMG_0101.JPG

August 11, 2014: 281 cups of coffee to be consumed (and then some)