Tag Archives: midwest

Day 83: The Great American Roadtrip

One full car, two tired kids, two old ladies, and we’re off! Today marks the beginning of our trip to bring Teddy’s stuff to his new school in Indiana!

Char is WAY more excited than he should beIMG_9998.JPG

It didn’t last long…IMG_9999.JPG


Our beautiful view all through Wisconsin… and then Illinois… and then Indiana…  It turns out that the great American countryside is made up mostly of corn.IMG_0001.JPG


This is what I’m-so-hungry-I’ll-eat-anything looks likeIMG_0007.JPG

August 8, 2014: 284 days until I never return to school again…

Day 54: We Call it “Glamping”

Annie’s birthday weekend, in the form of a weekend camping trip on the Apple River in WI, began with the construction of our glorious tent village. 12 people, 5 tents, 1 giant grill, 1 full kitchen set, and 1 mosquito-tent later:20140715-203747-74267248.jpg



An awesome camping meal: put beef, cut veggies, and potatoes in tin foil (DOUBLE WRAPPED) and let the bundles cook in the coals for about 20 minutes. Delicious.20140715-203747-74267966.jpgJuly 11, 2014: 312 more ways to be a real Minnesotan